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课程大纲 |
- Oracle Social Relationship Management Cloud Servic
Oracle Social Relationship Management Cloud Service 2014
Certified Implementation Specialist培训
1、Oracle Social Relationship Management - Platfrom Overview
Describe SRM tools and subcomponents
Describe the features and functions of the SRM platform
2、Oracle Social Relationship Management - Workflow and Automation Set-up and Configuration
Describe Workflow & Automation features and functions
Configure Social Engagement & Monitoring Cloud settings (channels, users, permissions,
automations and plugins)
Configure Social Marketing Cloud account settings for the My Profile and Resource Tabs
3、Oracle Social Relationship Management - Social Marketing Cloud Product Area Configurations
and Features
Create a post in Publish
Take actions on post in Publish (preview, quick edit, full edit, copy, copy a suggested,
or remove the post)
Configure the Admin Tab settings in Publish
Create and attach coupons and polls to social streams with Publish
Create and post a Custom Wall App with Publish
Describe how to use Dynamic Link Tracking
Set up Dynamic Link Tracking in Admin
Create a Tracking URL on the Create a Post Page (CAPP)
Create Open Graph Objects and custom domains
4、Oracle Social Relationship Management - Social Engagement & Monitoring Cloud Product
Configuration and Features
Explain how to view messages on the Monitor Tab in Engage
Perform messaging actions available in Engage
Filter messages in Engage
5、Oracle Social Relationship Management - Social Marketing Cloud Listen & Analyze
Describe the metrics and what data the charts show on the Facebook Dasboard in the Resources Tab
Describe the data and types of interactions reported in the Facebook Engagement section of the
Resources Tab
Describe the three types of metrics reported in the Facebook Visibility section of the Resources Tab
Explain how to use the Resources Tab in Listen & Analyze
Explain how to use the Social Campaigns Tab to anlayze the performance of published posts
6、Oracle Social Relationship Management - Social Engagement & Monitoring Cloud Listen & Analyze
Create and manage Topics
Create and edit Topics in a Bundle
Explain how to use the Dashboads Tab to analyze data
Run and export reports for internal user activity
Run and export post-level data for Facebook and Twitter
Run and export page-level data for Facebook
7、Oracle Social Relationship Management - Content & Apps
Build a view in Content & Apps
Create a brand template in Content & Apps
Connect a view live on Facebook in Content & Apps
Customize a view in Content & Apps
8、Oracle Social Relationship Management - CX Solution Integration Configurations
Explain the Oracle Customer Experience vision
Configure SRM integrations