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Oracle 10g Forms Builder培训
Oracle 10g Forms Builder培训
1. Introduction to Form Builder
Oracle design and development tools
Object orientation
Form Builder object model utilization
Using a Form Builder application
Developing Form Builder applications
Steps in developing form applications
2. Basic Components of Form Builder
Entity relationship diagram for SPAM
SPAM physical data model
Parts of a form builder application
Relationship of a form to a database
3. Running a Form Builder Application
Invoking the forms runtime
On-line help at runtime
Modes of operation
Retrieving data from the database
Inputting records into the database
4. Form Builder Design Interface Part 1
Form Builder major tool set
Form Builder wizards, main menu, and modules
5. Form Builder Design Interface Part 2
Using the property palette
Using the layout editor
6. Building a Basic Form Module
Connecting to the database
Creating a new form module
New blocks
The layout and the Layout Wizard
Modifying a block
Saving the form module
Test run the new form module
Manually compile the form module
7. Visual Attributes and Property Classes
8. Developing Inheritable and Reusable Objects
Copy/subclass objects amongst form modules
Reusing objects across from modules
Mouse/keyboard hints
Object groups
Form Builder application development steps
Skeleton form module building steps
9. Building a Robust Form Part 1
Steps in building a form module
10. Building a Robust Form Part 2
Working with toolbars
Add new objects
Creating canvas-views and a detail block
11. Editors and Alerts
Specialized windows
Editors and alerts
12. LOVs and Record Groups
Lists of values
LOV properties
Record groups
Record group properties
13. Trigger Concepts
Types of triggers
Database triggers versus form triggers
Validation strategies
PL/SQL trigger scripts
14. Working With Triggers
Global and system variables
Calling built-in routines
Handling error and failing triggers
Creating triggers
Populating non-base table items
Manipulating windows with triggers
Populating a non-base table calculated item
Performing actions from buttons
15. Object-oriented Coding Capabilities
Form Builder application development steps
Reuse/inheritance of objects
Copying existing triggers into a form module
Subclassing existing triggers into a form module
Triggers in property classes
Program units
PL/SQL library modules
Object libraries and smart classes
16. Basic Menus
Menu modules
Saving a menu module
Compiling a menu module
Attaching a menu module to a form module









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