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或15921673576/13918613812(微信同号) QQ:1299983702
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     班级规模及环境--热线:4008699035 手机:15921673576/13918613812( 微信同号)
  上课地点:【上海】:同济大学(沪西)/新城金郡商务楼(11号线白银路站) 【深圳分部】:电影大厦(地铁一号线大剧院站)/深圳大学成教院 【北京分部】:北京中山/福鑫大楼 【南京分部】:金港大厦(和燕路) 【武汉分部】:佳源大厦(高新二路) 【成都分部】:领馆区1号(中和大道) 【沈阳分部】:沈阳理工大学/六宅臻品 【郑州分部】:郑州大学/锦华大厦 【石家庄分部】:河北科技大学/瑞景大厦 【广州分部】:广粮大厦 【西安分部】:协同大厦
        ☆注重质量 ☆边讲边练



  • 课程介绍
    Certified Clinical Research Coordinators (CCRCs) are expected to have general knowledge of:
         • laboratory terminology, tests, and procedures
         • basic math, including adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and calculating percentages
         As defined by the 2010 ACRP Job Analysis Survey, a Certified Clinical Research Coordinator (CCRC®) shall have proficiency in the following areas of clinical research:

  • 课程大纲:

            I. Investigational Product Management
            •  Ensure adequacy of investigational product and other supplies at site
            • Ensure randomization and emergency codes of investigational product have been maintained
            • Ensure proper storage, dispensing, handling, and disposition of investigational product and other supplies
            • Reconcile investigational product and other supplies
            • Maintain accountability of investigational product
            • Prepare investigational product according to the protocol
            • Dispense investigational product according to the protocol
            • Retrieve investigational product and calculate subject compliance
            • Maintain randomization and emergency codes of investigational product dispensing
            • Prepare emergency use report
            Using knowledge of:
            • Investigational product (e.g., package insert, report of prior investigations, Investigator's Brochure)
            • Investigational product inventory
            • Investigational product accountability
            • Investigational product storage
            • Packaging and labeling
            • Supplemental/rescue/comparator product
            • Investigational product compliance (e.g., protocol, standard operating procedures, local governance)
            • Accountability records
         II. Protocol
            • Evaluate protocol for feasibility
            • Evaluate congruence of data collection tools (e.g., case report form (CRF), electronic data capture (EDC) with the study protocol
            • Verify the eligibility of potential trial subjects
            • Contribute to protocol development
            • Coordinate protocol approval process
            • Review protocol for feasibility
            • Review protocol during Investigator’s meeting
            • Execute study per protocol
            • Recommend and Implement protocol amendments
            Using knowledge of:
            • Protocol development
            • Protocol submission and approval procedures
            • Clinical trial phase
            • Study design characteristics (e.g., double‐blind, crossover, randomized)
            • Study objective
            • Description of procedures
            • Amendment submission and approval procedures
            • Inclusion/exclusion criteria
            • Statistical plan
         III. Safety
            • Assess safety during trial participation
            • Minimize potential risks to subject safety
            • Oversee safety risks (e.g., clinical holds, product recalls)
            • Report required adverse events to regulatory authorities and/or IRB/IEC
            • Ensure adverse events reporting is documented (e.g., serious, severe, moderate, mild, expected, unexpected)
            • Ensure reasons for subject discontinuation are documented (i.e., causes, contact efforts)
            • Handle medical monitor oversight
            • Conduct study‐related procedures and monitor the safety of the trial subjects and investigational staff
            • Manage and motivate the investigational staff and other disciplines involved, and take measures to minimize any potential risks
            • Inform the sponsor and IRB/IEC of any changes to the protocol or safety concerns and submit progress reports to the IRB/IEC per requirements
            • Review common laboratory values and alerts
            • Determine and document the causality of adverse events
            • Identify expected or unexpected results associated with investigational products
            • Implement Investigator’s plan of action for management of adverse event (e.g., stop investigational product; call, retest, treat subject)
            • Maintain follow‐up to determine resolution of adverse event
            • Report serious adverse event to Sponsor/CRO and IRB/IEC
            • Classify adverse events (i.e., serious, severe, moderate, mild, expected, unexpected)
            • Record adverse event and relevant information on source document
            • Document reasons for subject discontinuation (i.e., causes, contact efforts)
            • Document follow‐up medical care for study subjects, as applicable
            • Conduct safety monitoring/reporting activities
            • Initiate un‐blinding procedures
            Using knowledge of:
            • Investigator’s Brochure
            • Safety monitoring
            • Safety and clinical databases
            • Subject safety issues (e.g., toxicity, significant lab values)
            • Adverse events reporting
            • Serious adverse events reporting
            • Safety reporting requirements
         IV. Trial Management
            • Verify investigator/site feasibility
            • Develop timelines for conducting and completing the clinical trial
            • Prepare and conduct initiation activities
            • Ensure appropriate training of the investigational staff
            • Develop a recruitment strategy and study management plan
            • Follow a recruitment strategy and study management plan
            • Schedule and coordinate pre‐study site visit
            • Identify minimum regulatory document requirements for site trial master file (e.g., country‐specific regulatory documents)
            • Ensure IRB/IEC review/approval of study and study documents
            • Facilitate site budget/contract approval process
            • Submit documents to regulatory authorities
            • Document and communicate site visit findings
            • Ensure clinical trial registry requirements are met
            • Ensure timely review of study data (e.g., laboratory results, x‐rays)
            • Maintain current vendor credentials (e.g., lab certification/licensure and normal ranges)
            • Prepare and conduct close‐out monitoring visit(s)
            • Prepare study summary and/or close‐out letter for IRB/IEC
            • Document protocol deviations/violations
            • Evaluate study for feasibility
            • Schedule subjects
            • Obtain informed consent and screen trial subjects
            • Prepare study documents for IRB/IEC and/or sponsor review/approval
            • Prepare study documentation (e.g., schedule of events, description of procedures)
            • Train site personnel on Sponsor/CRO and regulatory requirements for study conduct (e.g., protocol procedures, EDC)
            • Select the investigational staff and assign roles and responsibilities
            • Develop a recruitment strategy and site study management plan
            • Transmit CRFs to Data Management
            • Review CRF queries from Data Management
            • Coordinate study monitoring visits
            • Select and manage local vendors (e.g., laboratory, x‐ray, MRI)
            • Draft study specific tools (e.g., source document, tracking tools)
            • Obtain, negotiate, and seek approval of study budgets and clinical trial agreement
            • Conduct subject visits according to requirements
            • Implement corrective actions plans
            • Maintain trial master file (e.g., regulatory binder)
            • Communicate laboratory/diagnostic results with Principal Investigator and Sponsor/CRO
            • Maintain standards for handling hazardous goods (e.g., IATA)
            • Manage study supplies (e.g., lab kits, case report forms)
            • Maintain equipment (e.g., calibration and preventive maintenance)
            • Manage study record retention and availability
            • Manage financial agreements
            • Comply with subject privacy regulations
            • Prescreen telephone calls for eligibility requirements
            • Maintain subject screening/enrollment log
            • Collect, record, and report accurate and verifiable data
            • Manage study issues
            Using knowledge of:Site Activities
            • Contract budget negotiations and approval process
            • Monitoring guidelines/plan and tools
            • Disposition of unused study‐related materials (e.g., CRF at end of study, destruction of lab kits)
            • Equipment and supplies (e.g., x‐ray, computer, lab kits) and storage
            • Pre‐study site visit
            • Investigator's meeting
            • Site initiation
            • Monitoring visit
            • Close‐out visit
            • Site monitoring visit log
            • Site signature log
            • Delegation listing
            • Trial master file (e.g., site, sponsor)
            • Regulatory documents
            • Record retention
            • Visit reports (e.g., initiation, close‐out)
            • Final report
            • Progress reports
            Protocol Compliance
            • Project feasibility
            • Study project tools
            • Sample collection, shipment, and storage
            • Study management plan (e.g., timelines, data management)
            • Good Clinical Practice
            • Procedure manuals
            • Protocol deviations
            Subject Scheduling, Screening, Recruitment, and Retention
            • Project timelines
            • Recruitment plan/strategies
            • Subject compliance
            • Subject visit logistics
            • Subject selection, screening, and recruitment
            • Subject retention
            • Subject discontinuation
            • Clinical trial registry
            PI Oversight/Qualifications
            • Staff qualifications
            • Staff roles and responsibilities
            • Plan for staff oversight
            • Investigator qualifications/site selection (e.g., therapeutic area, education, experience)
            • Plan for ancillary staff education
            CRF/Source Documents
            • Data management activities
            • Communication documentation (e.g., telephone, email)
            • Data management plan
            • Data query resolution
            • Electronic data (e.g., electronic health records, electronic case report forms)
            • Case Report Form
            • Essential documentation, subject related and non‐subject related (e.g., past medical records, lab reports, protocol, IRB approvals)
            • Source documentation
            • Vulnerable subject populations
            • Communication with subjects
            • Protection of human subjects
            • Subject reimbursement
            • Subject privacy regulations
            • Informed consent
            • Indemnification/insurance
         V. Trial Oversight
            • Ensure consistency between the sites’ standard operation procedures (SOPs) and the study requirements
            • Ensure investigator/site protocol compliance
            • Facilitate investigator/site corrective actions
            • Ensure compliance with electronic data requirements (e.g., electronic health records, eCRF)
            • Ensure adequate site management
            • Prepare the study site for audits and inspections
            • Respond to or facilitate response to audit/inspection findings
            • Ensure proper collection, processing, and shipment of specimens (e.g., centrifuge, preparation of slides, freezing, refrigeration)
            • Ensure proper adverse event reporting by the investigator
            • Escalate problems to appropriate in‐house management
            • Investigate potential fraud and misconduct
            • Report potential fraud and misconduct
            • Ensure follow‐up medical care for study subjects is documented, as applicable
            • Ensure adequate consent and documentation
            • Ensure staff, facility, and equipment availability throughout the study
            • Ensure compliance with study requirements and regulations
            • Prepare for audits, inspections, and follow up
            • Ensure access to source data by authorized parties, in accordance with ICH‐GCP, and protect confidentiality by limiting unauthorized access
            • Ensure that IRB/IEC documentation is adequate and that details of the IRB/IEC composition are on file
            Using knowledge of:
            • Issues management (e.g., escalation)
            • Audit preparation
            • Regulatory standards
            • Audit documents
            • Project monitoring guidelines
            • Project investigator supervision requirements



        Troubleshooting Java Applications
                Classpath Errors
                Class Loaders
                Common Java Errors
        Troubleshooting Servers
                Native Libraries
                Threading Architecture
                Work Managers
                Overload Protection
                Deployment Problems
        Troubleshooting JDBC
                Data Source Management
                Debug Flags
                Connectivity Problems
                Connection Leaks
                Database Availability
        Troubleshooting JMS
                MBean Hierarchy
                Message Logging
                Debug Flags
                Overload Protection
                Lost Messages
                Duplicate Messages
        Troubleshooting Security
                SSL Internals
                Keystore Management
                Debug Flags
                Common SSL Problems
                Certificate Validation
                Embedded LDAP
                Security Audit
                Common LDAP Problems
        Troubleshooting Node Manager
                Common Issues
        Troubleshooting Clusters
                Plug-in Configuration
                OHS Overview
                Plug-in Connectivity
                Plug-in Diagnostics
                Unicast Communication
                Replication Debug Flags
                Typical Replication Issues
热线:4008699035 手机:15921673576/13918613812( 微信同号)
备案号:沪ICP备08026168号 .(2014年7月11).....................
友情链接:Cadence培训 ICEPAK培训 EMC培训 电磁兼容培训 sas容培训 罗克韦尔PLC培训 欧姆龙PLC培训 PLC培训 三菱PLC培训 西门子PLC培训 dcs培训 横河dcs培训 艾默生培训 robot CAD培训 eplan培训 dcs培训 电路板设计培训 浙大dcs培训 PCB设计培训 adams培训 fluent培训系列课程 培训机构课程短期培训系列课程培训机构 长期课程列表实践课程高级课程学校培训机构周末班培训 南京 NS3培训 OpenGL培训 FPGA培训 PCIE培训 MTK培训 Cortex训 Arduino培训 单片机培训 EMC培训 信号完整性培训 电源设计培训 电机控制培训 LabVIEW培训 OPENCV培训 集成电路培训 UVM验证培训 VxWorks培训 CST培训 PLC培训 Python培训 ANSYS培训 VB语言培训 HFSS培训 SAS培训 Ansys培训 短期培训系列课程培训机构 长期课程列表实践课程高级课程学校培训机构周末班 曙海 教育 企业 培训课程 系列班 长期课程列表实践课程高级课程学校培训机构周末班 短期培训系列课程培训机构 曙海教育企业培训课程 系列班