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3、培训合格学员可享受免费推荐就业机会。 |
课程大纲 |
- Introduction to Microsoft App-V
- Why virtualize your Windows applications?
Overview of App-V's application virtualization architecture
- How application virtualization works
The role of the client
The role of the Sequencer
The App-V Package
Planning your virtualization infrastructure
- Planning the App-V supporting infrastructure
Overview of various deployment scenarios
Installing and configuring the App-V server
Installing and configuring the application virtualization sequencer
- Overview of the application virtualization sequencer
Planning the sequencer environment
Classifying applications for sequencing
Understanding the sequencing limitations
Sequencing your first application
Using the sequencer-generated MSI file to deploy offline
Using the App-V package accelerator
- Overview of package accelerator
Creating a package accelerator using PowerShell
Creating a package using a package accelerator
Upgrading your App-V application package
- Updating a package to replace an existing one
Updating a package for deployment with the existing package
Updating a package with PowerShell
Sequencing for connection groups (plug-ins and middleware)
Using the App-V package converter (4.6 to 5.x)
Dynamic configuration and targeted scripting
Advanced App-V sequencing techniques
- Sequencing a web-based application
Creating a Virtual Environment for the application
Sequencing an application that hard codes its install to the C:\ drive
Performing an Open for Package Upgrade on an existing package
Building scripts into an .OSD file
Application Virtualization Management Server administration
- Application Virtualization Management Console Overview
Publishing applications into the Application Virtualization Environment
Modifying published applications & configuring version upgrades
Performing management tasks
Planning & installing the Microsoft Application Virtualization Client
Planning the deployment of Application Virtualization Client
Installing & Configuring the App-V client
Managing the client configuration features using PowerShell
Troubleshooting App-V
- Avoiding rabbit holes
Combining different areas of knowledge: foundational, operational, contextual
Using Process Monitor to troubleshoot
Troubleshooting the App-V client
Troubleshooting the OSD file
Advanced troubleshooting
Microsoft App-V best practices
- Verifying the configuration settings of an App-V Server 5.0 instance
Using Practice Analyzer as a diagnostic tool
Understanding the program
Items to document
Components, update requirements, post-installation configuration steps, user behavior, workarounds
Application Deployment with SCCM via HTTP
- Application Deployment with RESWorkspace Manager
- Closing remarks